I bit the bullet and bought a Kindle. This is mostly as a result of an impending flight and a desire to keep my carry-on baggage to a minimum. My feelings about digital downloads run hot and cold. I have an affinity for physical media, whether that's music, video games, book, dvd/blu ray and the shops that sell them. But I also do like the space saving aspect of digital media, and the fact you can get hold of what you want straight away, at any time of the day (except, it would seem, on my PS3, which seems to be stuck in the 1998 when it comes to downloads speeds). Of course the Kindle is pretty much tied to Amazon, which isn't something that fills me with joy either.
Anyway, I put out a request on the old twitter earlier on today for music related recommendations for books to load up the Kindle with before the trip, and I got loads of suggestions back. Of course, the irony is that I'll probably spend all of the flight trying to amuse a small child, rather than reading any of the great sounding books, but at least my bag will only be bulging with nappies (diapers for those on the other side of the pond).
As usual, I digress. Lots of great music on today's show. As with last week, a few more tracks than normal. We kick off the show with a blistering dirty blues track from Spice Hound Music Co., and we have the new single by The Last Battle - an exclusive play, in fact. You can stream "Hope is Gold" from their Bandcamp page tomorrow, and it will be available to buy on Monday. OR you can hear it on this hear podcast right now!
1. Spice Hound Music co. - "Some Things Money Shouldn't Buy" (Played courtesy of Spice Hound Music co / Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. Harpoon Forever - "Blue Jay" (Played courtesy of Bleeding Gold Records)
3. The Last Battle - "Hope Is Gold" (Played courtesy of The Last Battle)
4. Spot Collins - "Stone Cold Jane Austen" (Played courtesy of Spot Collins / Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. Swearin' - "Irrational" (Played courtesy of Swearin' / Released under a Creative Commons licence)
6. Bird Calls - "Fortnum and Mason (Dalston's Creek)" (Played courtesy of Bird Calls / Released under a Creative Commons licence)
7. AMBULANCES - "Shine On My Shoes" (Played courtesy of Ambulances)
8. Eternal Man - "In my skull" (Played courtesy of Eternal Man / Released under a Creative Commons licence)
9. Sexy Bicycle - "Willow" (Played courtesy of Mama Vynila Records / Released under a Creative Commons licence)
10. ACTG - "Hroenn" (Played courtesy of ACTG / Released under a Creative Commons licence)