It's the first rambling podcast of the year... and I'm not ready for it. Firstly I couldn't even find the cables that would allow me to broadcast live. And secondly I had at least four, maybe five, abortive attempts at starting the show. We got there in the end though.
I also have a new years resolution - if I don't have anything interesting to say I'm just going to play some music. How did I get on so far? You decide.
1. Sei Yamamoto - "Wild Cat Stomp [Mono Mix]" (Played courtesy of Sei Yamamoto, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. Deerhoof - "Exit Only" (Played courtesy of Polyvinyl Records)
3. ANANA SOUND - "C'mon Tigre - Fédération Tunisienne De Football" (Played courtesy of Anana Sound, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
4. The Son(s) - "On The Forth We Float" (Played courtesy of Olive Grove Records)
5. Sweethearts of The Prison Rodeo - "Vulture People" (Played courtesy of Sweethearts of The Prison Rodeo)
6. Gleemer - "Workout" (Played courtesy of Gleemer)
7. H. Grimace - "Imogen" (Played courtesy of Soft Power Records)
8. Le Thug - "Basketball Land" (Played courtesy of Song by Toad Records)