It's the end of year podcast - the last one of 2014. As such I'm tucking into an array of left over Christmas food and drink, including a nice red ale and the remnants of a cheese selection. All the good cheeses have gone mind you, and I'm stuck with Wensleydale and Cranberry. There's also a gingerbread house... although that's been kicking around for a couple of weeks so I suspect it's not a great idea to start on that.
Anyway, more importantly it's the second half of the best tracks from 2014 as voted by the listeners of the show. Some fantastic selections in there, and the number one track is absolutely spot on if you ask me.
24. Dressed Like Wolves - "Death Of Girls" (Played courtesy of Dressed Like Wolves)
23. Wozniak - "Paper Hat" (Played courtesy of Wozniak)
22. Radiator Hospital - "Fireworks" (Played courtesy of Radiator Hospital, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
21. ballboy - "JK Rowling changed my vote from No to Yes!" (Played courtesy of ballboy)
20. Meursault - "Dinosaur Act (Low)" (Played courtesy of Song by Toad)
19. Lady North - "Bum Jiggy" (Played courtesy of )
18. Stanley Odd - "Son I Voted Yes" (Played courtesy of Stanley Odd)
17. Wozniak - "El Maresme" (Played courtesy of Wozniak)
16. Virgin of the Birds - "Every Revelry" (Played courtesy of Song by Toad Records)
15. The Last Battle - "You & Me" (Played courtesy of The Last Battle)
14. Radiator Hospital - "Cut Your Bangs" (Played courtesy of Radiator Hospital, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
13. Sparrow & the Workshop - "One Brush" (Played courtesy of Song by Toad Records)
12. Wozniak - "Five Star (single mix)" (Played courtesy of Wozniak / Morningside Young Team)
11. Schwervon! - "Undertow" (Played courtesy of Schwervon!)
10. Meursault - "One Day This'll All Be Fields (Organ Grinders Monkey Version)" (Played courtesy of Song by Toad)
9. Dressed Like Wolves - "There Is Always An Exception" (Played courtesy of Dressed Like Wolves)
8. Bastard Mountain - "Meadow Ghosts" (Played courtesy of Song by Toad Records)
7. The Last Battle - "None Of That" (Played courtesy of The Last Battle)
6. Jonnie Common - "Crumbs" (Played courtesy of http://songbytoadrecords.com)
5. The Cherry Wave - "Whitey" (Played courtesy of The Cherry Wave)
4. Bastard Mountain - "Palisade" (Played courtesy of Song by Toad Records)
3. The Son(s) - "Death, with Castanets" (Played courtesy of Olive Grove Records)
2. Book Group - "Here is Too Near" (Played courtesy of Book Group)
1. Withered Hand - "California" (Played courtesy of Fortuna POP! )