A late podcast, due to 1) illness and 2) an ill-advised halloween costume building exercise that consumed way too much of my spare time. But there's some great music to return with, include a track from the wonderful Belly of Paris and a live version of Jeff Lewis's Leonard Cohen inspired Chelsea Hotel song.
1. Belly of Paris - "Boys" (Played courtesy of Belly of Paris)
2. Tenineight - "All My Heroes Are Ugly" (Played courtesy of Flowerpot Records, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. Jeffrey Lewis - "Chelsea Hotel Oral Sex Song" (Played courtesy of Jeffrey Lewis / Archive.org)
4. Mark Wynn - "Impossible" (Played courtesy of Mark Wynn)
5. Nice Try - "Glow" (Played courtesy of Nice Try, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
Direct Download: Edinburgh Man #246