Edinburgh Man Junior has a new obsession - Super Smash Brothers Melee on the Nintendo GameCube. You see, his dad has worked in video games for quite some time, and as a result has amassed an array of video games consoles from years gone by. For some unknown reason all this retro hardware is very attractive for small children, and at the weekend Edinburgh Man Junior asked to play "video games". We went through quite a selection until we found Smash Brothers, but the wee man was hooked straight away. I mean, Pikachu AND Mario? What's not to like?
Anyway, his actual method of playing is somewhat original. If only I could attach a video instead of an image to the podcast. It's basically like he's using the Wii Fit, except without the balance board. He jumps around and acts out the moves while playing the game. I wonder how long before he puts his arm through the TV..?
1. Subsumer - "Swamp Fire" (Played courtesy of Subsumer, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. DUMP HIM - "Attack And Amend" (Played courtesy of Dump Him, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. The Afterglows - "Have to Hide" (Played courtesy of The Afterglows, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
4. American Anymen + Lise - "Nobody Made Me Smile Like You Did" (Played courtesy of American Anymen + Lise)
5. Unsanitary Napkin - "Trumphole" (Played courtesy of Unsanitary Napkin, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
6. Sleepover Club - "Crime Baby" (Played courtesy of Sleepover Club, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
7. Plastic Animals - "Colophon" (Played courtesy of Song by Toad Records, Released under a Creative Commons licence)