Listeners to last week's show will recall that I recorded it in the car outside Edinburgh Man Junior's school while he was on stage for the first performance of his nativity play. I say first performance, it seems like that's all they've been doing at school for the last couple of weeks. Endless rehearsals and dress rehearsals for audiences of other years in the school.
At least I got to see it myself on Thursday. Was it worth the wait..? Hmmm... Maybe..? Edinburgh Man Junior spent most of it sat on the edge of the stage in a donkey outfit looking rather bored. Now and again he'd wave furiously at me or twiddle with a bit of string. Looking forward to next year already.
1. Helen Robertson - "Twelve Days of Odd Gifts" (Played courtesy of Helen Robertson, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. Walpurgis Family - "Professor Panda" (Played courtesy of Walpurgis Family, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. Campfires in Winter - "Free Me From The Howl" (Played courtesy of Olive Grove Records)
4. Kristin Hersh - "Hemingway's Tell" (Played courtesy of Kristin Hersh, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. WONDERFLU - "It's time" (Played courtesy of Wonderflu, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
6. bsnt gtrst - "charlie brown cant hurt anyone" (Played courtesy of bsnt gtrst, Released under a Creative Commons licence)