On tonight's podcast:
1) I use a flimsy looking iPad stand - let's hope it doesn't fall over halfway through with "hilarious" consequences.
2) Edinburgh Man Junior sings random lyrics to "The Farmers in the Dell" loudly from the other room. No doubt this isn't picked up by the microphone and you probably assume it's all in my head.
3) I have notes! On paper! And I manage to get even more confused as a result.
4) I summarily dismiss the talents of the creator of one of the seminal TV shows of the last century because of the way he ate a sandwich.
1. Adam Stafford - "Atheist Money" (Played courtesy of Adam Stafford / Song by Toad)
2. Kimberly Jean - "My Coyote Ain't Wild Anymore" (Played courtesy of Kimberly Jean, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. Norn - "Balor" (Played courtesy of Moving Furniture Records, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
4. the Nervous Ticks - "Purity Control" (Played courtesy of The Nervous Ticks, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. tinmouth - "the ledge" (Played courtesy of tinmouth, Released under a Creative Commons licence)