Good News! I've recovered from the flu. It was rather short lived but pretty grim for a few days. Bad News! It's the half-term school holidays! So this week has been full-on. Although Edinburgh Man Junior has developed an addiction to old Pokemon games on the Gameboy, so that sort of keeps him quiet. Until he forgets to save his game and then it's a disaster.
Music-wise a great new track from Edinburgh's Super Inuit, some DIY grungy indie pop from Limerick's PowPig. Plus half a set from a free WFMU Waxahatchee gig that you can download at freemusicarchive.org. In fact, stop reading this and do that right now.
- PowPig - "Sticky Teeth" (Played courtesy of Art for the Blind, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
- Super Inuit - "Tessellate" (Played courtesy of Super Inuit)
- Waxahatchee - "Chapel Of Pines (Great Thunder)" (Played courtesy of FMA, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
- Waxahatchee - "Fade" (Played courtesy of FMA, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
- Waxahatchee - "Swan Dive" (Played courtesy of FMA, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
- Waxahatchee - "Tangled Envisioning" (Played courtesy of FMA, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
- Waxahatchee - "Waiting" (Played courtesy of FMA, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
- SURF HARP - "D.I. CIG" (Played courtesy of SURF HARP, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
- Peonies - "Thin Holidays" (Played courtesy of Nanaba Records, Released under a Creative Commons licence)