Ow, ow, ow. Long term listeners may remember that I've had problems with my back in the past. Well today I spent 3 hours waiting on the most uncomfortable seat imaginable while new tyres were get fitted to the car. Basically, as I result I am broken. In pain. And a bit cranky for the 12th Advent Calendar show. Sorry.
1. DUMP HIM - "Dreams, Live 1997 (Live 2018)" (Played courtesy of DUMP HIM, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. The Trip Takers - "Jumper Blues" (Played courtesy of Area Pirata Records, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. An Eagle in your Mind - "Rainy Day" (Played courtesy of An Eagle in your Mind, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
4. Fixtures - "Remember Who I'm Looking For" (Played courtesy of Fixtures, Released under a Creative Commons licence)