It's the 19th Advent Calendar show. Oh my, that means we are in the twenties tomorrow. The home straight. Unfortunately I'm recording today's show on my MacBook with the built-in microphone. As a result the sound quality may be a bit gammy. Apologies for this. Hopefully the music will make up for it. As well as lots of new tracks we also look back 5 years to the best of 2013 part 1 show...
1. WONDERFLU - "Hello" (Played courtesy of WONDERFLU, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. Adam John Miller - "¡Alas, Montañas!" (Played courtesy of Cath 'n' Dad Records, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. Joshua Burnside - "BLACK DOG SIN" (Played courtesy of Joshua Burnside, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
4. lame drivers - "This Pattern" (Played courtesy of lame drivers, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. RENT STRIKE - "II: The Road Giveth..." (Played courtesy of RENT STRIKE, Released under a Creative Commons licence)