So this year I went off to Record Store Day with the express intention of buying one record at the most. It's not because of some fashionable stand against the concept, more just a lack of enthusiasm for the whole thing. So I bought one record, and spent more time in the Library reading books to Edinburgh Man Junior than I spent in any record shops. How times have changed.
Unfortunately, when I got home I remembered that the stylus (and cartridge - for these things aren't separate) was broken. So I had to go back out into town and spend £80... Yes, £80(!) on a new cartridge. I have a feeling that £80 was how much the whole turntable cost me back in my student days when I purchased it via a classified advert in the back of the Edinburgh Herald and Post.
So in the end I spent as much money as normal. At least the record was a nice colour.
1. OOPS - "Miss Yourself" (Played courtesy of OOPS, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. Dog Legs - "Things I'll Never Be" (Played courtesy of Soft Power Records)
3. The Dropout Patrol - "Beautiful Noise" (Played courtesy of The Dropout Patrol, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
4. late spring - "harmony korine" (Played courtesy of Late Spring, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. Man Behind Tree - "It Might Get Better on Pills" (Played courtesy of SPÃTI PALACE, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
6. Split Visions - "Band-Aid Blues" (Played courtesy of Split Visions)
7. The Wednesday Club - "Trust Thing" (Played courtesy of Cath n Dad Records, Released under a Creative Commons licence)