Ahem. Look, in my defence I did say that the last podcast was going to be the last REGULARLY SCHEDULED podcast for a while. And it is, what? 9 or 10 days since the last one? So that's irregular. Otherwise this is basically what you've come to expect. Rambling and music.
This time the rambling is from my new standing desk contraption - aka a chest of drawers with a half open drawer and strategically placed planks of wood. There is a chance the whole thing may collapse on top of me during the show.
1. Poor Things - "No Way Jose" (Played courtesy of Gerry Loves Records)
2. OOPS - "Miss Yourself" (Played courtesy of OOPS, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. dreambook - "Rare Lapse" (Played courtesy of dreambook, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
4. Lowpines - "Salt Tales" (Played courtesy of EardrumsPop)
5. Featherfin - "If You Were Coming in the Fall (featuring Alison Eales)" (Played courtesy of EardrumsPop)
6. DIET CIG - "Pool Boyz" (Played courtesy of DIET CIG)