Just a couple of days ago I found myself wondering how long I'd been doing this podcast thing, so I decided to try and figure it out. And would you belive it? The podcast is seven years on this Saturday. Seven years! There's nothing like a birthday to make you wallow in nostalgia, so that's exactly what we're doing on tonight's show. I look back at every birthday the podcast has ever had, and play a track from the corresponding show. I through in a couple of extra tracks for good measure too.
I was about to end with "here's to another seven years"... but then realised I'd be an even old fart then than I am now, so maybe not.
1. Baffin Island - "You Invited Me" (Played courtesy of Eardrums Pop, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. Magnetic Island - "Whatever You Wanted" (Played courtesy of Magnetic Island, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. The Planes - "Sonic Youth" (Played courtesy of The Planes, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
4. No Kill - "Big Muff Scream" (Played courtesy of No Kill)
5. G.L.O.S.S. - "G.L.O.S.S. (We're From The Future)" (Played courtesy of GLOSS, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
6. Trust Fund - "Pay each other back" (Played courtesy of Trust Fund, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
7. Great Thunder & Radiator Hospital - "Sleeping House" (Played courtesy of Radiator Hospital, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
8. Meursault - "Dinosaur Act (Low)" (Played courtesy of Song by Toad)