Oh, my. We're almost at the end of the two week Easter school holiday. Just as well, because I'm all but broken. Today was a full on Edinburgh Man and Edinburgh Man Junior day. No doubt as a result of the ice cream I caved in and allowed him to have at 10.15am this morning, he seems to have way more energy that I do.
As a result, a pre-recorded podcast. By the time you download this I'll be fast asleep in bed...
1. The Venomers - "Not my Doctor" (Played courtesy of The Venomers, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. CHUMP - "Lose Your Life" (Played courtesy of Gerry Loves Records)
3. Kimya Dawson - "Live at The Office on 2005-01-09" (Played courtesy of archive.org)
4. Wozniak - "Shader" (Played courtesy of Wozniak)