I realise it seems like, both by the photo accompanying this post and by the words that come out of my mouth during the first podcast in a few weeks, that the lack of recent episodes are the result of me spending all my time watching Twin Peaks and playing The Legend of Zelda. This may be partially true, but really the fact there are now two small children to wake up the adults at Edinburgh Man towers at 6am each morning has broken me both physically and mentally. Any tiny bit of spare time I've had in the last few months has been spent sitting on the sofa in the evening trying to build up enough energy to get up and go to bed.
But, the good (?) news is that I've bunked off work this afternoon and recorded a new show! Although annoyingly, five minutes in, two truck loads of builders turned up and started erecting scaffolding at the neighbour's house. Apparently that basically involves hitting metal posts with hammers for pretty much the the exact duration of a podcast.
1. Pinegrove - "Old Friends" (Played courtesy of Pinegrove, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. ESCÃRT - "Burn It Up" (Played courtesy of Get Better Records, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. DaKoTa - "DaKoTa - Twin Peaks (B.Frank)" (Played courtesy of indierockmag, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
4. Joshua Burnside - "26th st" (Played courtesy of Joshua Burnside, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. DUMP HIM - "What's Yr Deal With Kim?" (Played courtesy of DUMP HIM, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
6. The Wilderness of Manitoba - "The Silence Of Sound" (Played courtesy of The Wilderness of Manitoba, Released under a Creative Commons licence)