In which I called Dog Park Dissidents Dog Park Descendents. Because, stupidity.
Incredibly we managed to survive a trip to Italy with Edinburgh Man Junior and Thing 2. But only just. First of all it was hot. Both kids seemed to cope fine, the adults on the other hand were struggling. We actually went into the glasshouses in Padua botanical gardens TO COOL OFF! That said, returning back to a cold damp Edinburgh was just as tough. I'm really missing those sunny 34 degree days.
In other news Edinburgh Man Junior basically ate his weight in Gelato and Pizza every day. Or maybe even ever hour. It's a good job I made sure to practice saying "Gelato fragola per favore" over and over again before we left.
1. The Love-Inns - "Dust Factory" (Played courtesy of The Love-Inns, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. Trashton - "A Song For French Birds" (Played courtesy of Z-Tapes, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. Dog Park Dissidents - "Queer As In Fuck You" (Played courtesy of Dog Park Dissidents, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
4. Joshua Burnside - "blood drive" (Played courtesy of Joshua Burnside, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. Field Medic - "POWERFUL LOVE" (Played courtesy of Z-Tapes, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
6. Field Goal - "Display Board" (Played courtesy of Field Goal, Released under a Creative Commons licence)