That's my phone in the photo accompanying tonight's podcast. Or rather that's my two phones... The large Samsung one took a dive into the toilet at the IKEA babychange room at the weekend, so it's currently drying out. The other one is my current replacement. A 2009 vintage iPhone 3GS which I've managed to send and receive text messages on... but very little works on it anymore. Isn't technological obsolescence wonderful? Anyway, hopefully after washing, cleaning with alchohol and a few more days drying out, the real phone will return to service. And hopefully the smell will have gone by then.
1. Baker Island - "Write Home" (Played courtesy of Baker Island)
2. DUMP HIM - "Route One, Saugus" (Played courtesy of DUMP HIM, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. Elliot Smith - "King's Crossing" (Played courtesy of archive.org)
4. Harvey Dentures - "Earl" (Played courtesy of Harvey Dentures, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. The Love-Inns - "Asthma" (Played courtesy of The Love-Inns, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
6. Nice Try - "Restart" (Played courtesy of Nice Try, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
7. Radiator Hospital - "Cut Your Bangs" (Played courtesy of Radiator Hospital, Released under a Creative Commons licence)