The second of Edinburgh Man's Advent Calendar for 2018.
"Wait? Does this mean you're doing 24 of these? I mean, that's two in as many days."
No. No it does not. There will be a MINIMUM of FOUR shows throughout December. Under commit, over deliver. That's my early new year resolution.
1. Dreams on Diskette - "Real rock music" (Played courtesy of Dreams on Diskette, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. Heck Yes - "Jesus Gave Up His Weekend For Your Sins" (Played courtesy of Tiny Dragon Music, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. sea grapes - "Eat Something" (Played courtesy of Z-Tapes, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
4. Nan Sens - "Kitty Cat" (Played courtesy of Z-Tapes, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. Dressed Like Wolves - "Fall Of Troy" (Played courtesy of Dressed Like Wolves)
6. Fog Lake - "carousel" (Played courtesy of Fog Lake, Released under a Creative Commons licence)