Edinburgh Man #159

Would you believe it? Edinburgh Man Junior has gone and brought MORE lurgie into the house. MORE!

This shocking turn of events has resulted in yet enough week where your struggling host is fighting back the urge to cough up all manner of nastiness over the microphone. As a result, it's a pre-recorded podcast tonight. I knew my voice wouldn't be able to hold out for a continuous recording. That said, there's only a couple of edits to allow me to compose myself, but it's just as well it wasn't live.

There was also the underlying threat that Edinburgh Man Junior may have interrupted any live show. You see he's figured out how to get out of that bed of his. So tonight we're trying to persuade him to stay under the covers by bribing him with stickers. Kids do seem to love stickers.

1. Thee Irma & Louise - "Angry Heart" (Played courtesy of Thee Irma & Louise, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. The Leg - "What Happened to the Shrunken Tina Turner" (Played courtesy of Song by Toad)
3. Witching Waves - "Concrete" (Played courtesy of Soft Power Records)
4. Man meets Bear - "Sirius" (Played courtesy of Man meets Bear, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. Beat Happening - "Tiger Trap" (Played courtesy of Music Alley / K Records)
6. Book Group - "Seedlings" (Played courtesy of Book Group)
7. Virgin of the Birds - "Every Revelry" (Played courtesy of Song by Toad Records)
8. Invisible Elephant - "Two Moons (with Maryliz Guillemi)" (Played courtesy of Invisible Elephant)

Direct Download: Edinburgh Man #159