Hmmm... The podcast is about to start in 5 minutes and it looks like Bandcamp's website is down for maintenance. Not a problem for music but I sort of rely on it for the information about the bands and tracks I play on the show. In fact, I 100% rely on it and if it doesn't come back then the chat is going to be pretty thin on the ground. I suppose it's not as bad as the bands who rely on it for actually money - that's probably a bit more annoying.
Anyway, this week I have been walking up and down Edinburgh's canal. Look - there's a photo of it the other day after it had been snowing. Isn't it lovely. Sigh. If that's the quality of the banter you're in for a tough 30 minutes.
1. Nice Try - "no good" (Played courtesy of Nice Try)
2. G.L.O.S.S. - "Lined Lips And Spiked Bats" (Played courtesy of G.L.O.S.S., Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. The Ropes - "America Will Copy" (Played courtesy of Discos de Kirlian)
4. Lizard Kisses - "And The Sun Will Shine For Only Us (Accordion)" (Played courtesy of Lizard Kisses, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. P.H.F. - "I.D.W." (Played courtesy of Crystal Magic Records, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
6. T-Shirt Weather - "(Don't) Hold Your Breath" (Played courtesy of T-Shirt Weather, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
7. Geeshie Wiley - "Last Kind Words" (Played courtesy of archive.org)