Here's a tip for any would-be professional podcasters - if you make a playlist more than three weeks ago it's always a good idea to listen to it again before you record the show - just in case you've gone off any of the tracks. As perhaps happened on this week's show. I feel awful about it - I've never done that before. Many apologies - especially for the artist in question. I normally only ever play tracks that I really like. I must of been in a funny mood when I chose it. Anyway, see if you can guess which one it will be.
Regarding this week's photo - you'll just have to listen to the show to find out what the score is with Q The Winged Serpent there.
1. Los Tentakills - "Out To Play" (Played courtesy of Los Tentakills, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. Tenkiame - "Candy" (Played courtesy of Tenkiame, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. Former Babies - "Growing Up With Two Brothers" (Played courtesy of Former Babies)
4. Byron Siren - "Generations" (Played courtesy of Byron Siren, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. Crystal Desert - "Trade Ambition/*" (Played courtesy of Crystal Desert, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
6. oh! osprey - "Allison" (Played courtesy of oh! osprey, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
7. Hot Dolphin - "Bodysnatcher" (Played courtesy of Hot Dolphin, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
8. Malandros - "Mess of Me" (Played courtesy of Malandros, Released under a Creative Commons licence)