Today I'm trying out a different audio set-up, so this may either sound brilliant, or terrible. Please let me know if it does... especially the latter.
Anyway, 5 great tracks this week. Yes, only 5. Not because I talk too much... I think they're just a bit longer than normal. First up is a great track from the debut EP by Edinburgh's My Tiny Robots. I managed to see them twice in the last week, although I only caught one song at the first gig. The EP is brilliant, and you can be assured I'll play one or two more tracks from it before the year is out.
The first half of the podcast has a full-on indie pop vibe, culminating in a top pop song from Portugal's Birds are Indie. There are actually two tracks by Portuguese artists in the show, the second is a bit of post-rock from Luis Costa.
Saving the best for last, I play a track from the wonderful new Yusuf Azak album "Turn on the Long Wire" on Song by Toad records. If I did albums of the week, this would certainly be that. It's quite special, and quite unlike anything I've heard this year.
And, you can listen to Birds are Indie's Ricardo Jerónimo's podcast (as mentioned in the show) at http://labelthisruc.blogspot.com/
Podsafe music in this episode is played courtesy of IODAPromonet, My Tiny Robots / Woodthief Records, Birds are Indie and Song by Toad Records. Track 4 is released under a Creative Commons licence. Edinburgh Man Podcasts is a member of the Association of Music Podcasting.
1. My Tiny Robots - "Rock Bossa Nova Fourbeat Black" (buy EP from Bandcamp)
2. Tigercats - "Easter Island" (buy EP from Bandcamp)
3. Birds are Indie - "Kitchen Morning" (download EP free from Bandcamp)
4. Luís Costa - "Wide" (buy single from Bandcamp)
5. Yusuf Azak - "The Key Underground" (buy album from Song by Toad Records)