Just a quickie in the shownotes department... I'm choked with the cold today, and peering at my MacBook screen through bleary eyes. Firstly, I should say a Happy Thanksgiving to all the listeners in the US. And on that note, the Thursday me is very thankful to the Tuesday me who had the foresight to record the show a few days ago just as I started to come down with the cold, rather than wait until tonight. I'm a bit croaky on the podcast, but right now I feel awful. Anyway, this time I really don't talk as much as normal. On the plus side, there's a bit more music to make up for it. Including...
A brilliant pop song by Shy and the Fight, and wonderful track from the new honeybird & the birdies album, and we end with the new single from Asobi Seksu off their upcoming album.
Podsafe music in this episode is played courtesy of IODAPromonet, honeybird & the birdies and Polyvinyl Records. Tracks 1, 2, 4 and 5 are released under Creative Commons licences. Edinburgh Man Podcasts is a member of the Association of Music Podcasting.
1. Shy and the Fight - "How to Stop an Imploding Man" (buy EP from Bandcamp)
2. It Leaves, It Leaves - "Trace" (download album free from Perkunowa Records)
3. honeybird & the birdies - "usain bolt" (buy album from Bandcamp)
4. Moon & Sun - "Bo" (buy album or download free from Beep Beep)
5. Call Me Loretta - "Half Truth" (download album free from Dead Bees)
6. Procedure Club - "Feel Sorry For Me" (download track free and buy album from AmazonMP3)
7. Asobi Seksu - Trails (download track free or preorder album from Polyvinyl)
Original content contained within Edinburgh Man Podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Generic License. Individual music tracks are covered by their own specific licenses, some of these include Creative Commons licences.