Featuring Delete the Banjax
The third and final podcast from the Edinburgh Fringe. We're back at the Pleasance, although the previous few weeks are begining to take their toll. It's a more of a laid back affair as we attempt to remember, and review, all the shows we've seen since the last podcast. As ever, we play a variety of music to keep us awake, and there's a chat with Dan, Caroline, Gareth and Sam from the wonderfully funny Delete the Banjax whose Delete the Banjax... and you! show is on in the Attic at the Pleasance Courtyard until the 30th of August.
Reviewed in this show:
Andrew Collins - Secret Dancing (now finished)
The Invisible Dot Club - By The Sea (now finished)
Charlyne Yi - Dances on the Moon (until 30th August - not 24th)
Brendon Burns - Y'Know - Love 'n' God 'n' Metaphysics 'n' Shit (until 30th August)
Sarah Millican - Chatterbox (until 29th August)
Delete the Banjax... and you! (until 30th August)
Matthew Hardy - Willy Wonka Explained: The Veruca Salt Sessions (until 29th August)
Claudia O'Doherty - Monster of the Deep 3D (until 30th August)
Collins and Herring Podcast Live (now finished)
Previewed in this show:
Simon Armitage (28th August at the Book Festival)
Paul Howard In Conversation With Mark Beaumont (27th August at the Book Festival)
Arj Barker - Let Me Do the Talking (until 29th August)
Five Guys Named Moe (until 29th August - not 27th)